
For most manufacturers and commercial properties, productivity is a key ingredient for profitability.

An input to productivity is indoor environmental quality (IEQ).  Excess energy consumption not only has an impact on profitability, but also, more often than not, negatively impact occupants’ comfort.

Many new buildings are built and designed with energy-efficiency in mind, but well-intentioned they may be, even these buildings may not be maintained properly or optimized for energy use or occupant comfort during initial commissioning. From poor lighting design to un-optimized HVAC equipment and building automation systems, utility costs can add up quickly, employees can be less productive, all resulting in slimmer margins and poor company performance over time.



 2017-2021 Xcel Energy Efficiency Award Recipient


Energy Efficiency Partner: We are proud to announce that Xcel Energy is one of many utilities with which we partner and our engineering studies and services meet the high standards Xcel Energy expects of its providers.


2020 CenterPoint Energy Trade Ally of the Year Award: Recommissioning


CenterPoint awarded SES the Trade Ally of the Year in the Recommissioning Program.  CenterPoint expects high quality energy efficiency measures and we deliver year after year.



Building Recommissioning Studies

Recommissioning/Retrocommissioning can provide building owners and manufacturers with quick, inexpensive ways to reduce their long-term energy costs and carbon emissions by restoring a building back to its original, intended operation. Studies have shown that careful analysis of a building’s existing environmental systems, a thorough study can typically help reduce utility costs from anywhere from 5% to 95%.

Energy Star Qualification Assistance

Green building certifications provide a tangible, measurable way for any building or company to reduce costs and showcase their commitment to sustainable business practices. Our consultants can help you move gracefully through the process from start to finish.

Use/Sales Tax Exemption Studies

Many state and local governments allow sales tax exemptions on energy and water.  Our Sales and Use Tax Exemption Studies have can help manufacturers save significantly on utility bills.  Businesses that could help include

  • Manufacturing facilities
  • Food and beverage processors
  • Agricultural operations
  • Churches, schools, and other non-profits


Compressed Air Studies

Compressed air is typically the most costly utility in a manufacturing or industrial facility. We do more than just leak testing. We evaluate and process consumption, optimize the compressed air supply system, help reduce overall demand.

Building Automation System Monitoring and Optimization

The equipment and systems that monitor and maintain the environment inside of a building are often the biggest sources of energy consumption and loss over time. With increasing concerns over high energy costs, making sure that these systems run at peak efficiency is becoming more and more important.

Lighting Design and Redesign

Whether it’s new construction or an existing renovation, lighting is a visible component that cannot be overlooked. We maximize utility rebates while designing systems that will provide the light levels necessary. We do it using the fewest watts possible. Fluorescent, LED, LEC, and other light emitting technologies all play a role in an optimized lighting system.

Office spaces, for example, need not exceed 1.0 Watt per square foot. In fact, we’ve designed systems as low as 0.4 Watts per square foot while providing superior lighting quality.

Indoor Air Quality Testing

Indoor air quality and its effect on your occupants is one of the most important factors to be mindful of when maintaining any building. Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) can often lead to “sick building syndrome,” increased risk of tenant loss, and even litigation. SES can help you identify and resolve any IAQ issues. through careful analysis of your facility’s existing systems.

Custom Component 3D Modeling

Whether you’re building a new manufacturing line or optimizing machine components for a packaging process, SES, Inc. provides design services to facilitate fabrication and installation in your plant. Our designers work with the major platforms of modeling software to meet your design requirements.

Air and Water Balancing

Through a combination of finely-tuned instrumentation and experience, SES, Inc. can help building owners test and balance their building’s environmental systems to help reduce energy consumption, reduce or eliminate areas of extreme hot or cold, and help diagnose and make repairs to existing equipment.

Building Recommissioning Studies

Recommissioning/Retrocommissioning can provide building owners and manufacturers with quick, inexpensive ways to reduce their long-term energy costs and carbon emissions by restoring a building back to its original, intended operation. Studies have shown that careful analysis of a building’s existing environmental systems, a thorough study can typically help reduce utility costs from anywhere from 5% to 95%.

Energy Star Qualification Assistance

Green building certifications provide a tangible, measurable way for any building or company to reduce costs and showcase their commitment to sustainable business practices. Our consultants can help you move gracefully through the process from start to finish.

Use/Sales Tax Exemption Studies

Many state and local governments allow sales tax exemptions on energy and water.  Our Sales and Use Tax Exemption Studies have can help manufacturers save significantly on utility bills.  Businesses that could help include

  • Manufacturing facilities
  • Food and beverage processors
  • Agricultural operations
  • Churches, schools, and other non-profits


Compressed Air Studies

Compressed air is typically the most costly utility in a manufacturing or industrial facility. We do more than just leak testing. We evaluate and process consumption, optimize the compressed air supply system, help reduce overall demand.

Building Automation System Monitoring and Optimization

The equipment and systems that monitor and maintain the environment inside of a building are often the biggest sources of energy consumption and loss over time. With increasing concerns over high energy costs, making sure that these systems run at peak efficiency is becoming more and more important.

Lighting Design and Redesign

Whether it’s new construction or an existing renovation, lighting is a visible component that cannot be overlooked. We maximize utility rebates while designing systems that will provide the light levels necessary. We do it using the fewest watts possible. Fluorescent, LED, LEC, and other light emitting technologies all play a role in an optimized lighting system.

Office spaces, for example, need not exceed 1.0 Watt per square foot. In fact, we’ve designed systems as low as 0.4 Watts per square foot while providing superior lighting quality.

Indoor Air Quality Testing

Indoor air quality and its effect on your occupants is one of the most important factors to be mindful of when maintaining any building. Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) can often lead to “sick building syndrome,” increased risk of tenant loss, and even litigation. SES can help you identify and resolve any IAQ issues. through careful analysis of your facility’s existing systems.

Custom Component 3D Modeling

Whether you’re building a new manufacturing line or optimizing machine components for a packaging process, SES, Inc. provides design services to facilitate fabrication and installation in your plant. Our designers work with the major platforms of modeling software to meet your design requirements.

Air and Water Balancing

Through a combination of finely-tuned instrumentation and experience, SES, Inc. can help building owners test and balance their building’s environmental systems to help reduce energy consumption, reduce or eliminate areas of extreme hot or cold, and help diagnose and make repairs to existing equipment.

Whether you own or manage a residential, commercial, retail, or industrial/manufacturing facility, we can help increase efficiency for better comfort and value.

Manufacturing Facilities & Industrial Buildings

In today’s global economy, U.S. manufacturers are competing with companies around the world.  In order to compete on a global scale, U.S. companies need an edge.

SES, Inc. provides American manufacturers in the Minneapolis, MN area and beyond, with a portfolio of energy-saving and optimization capabilities, engineering studies, recommissioning studies, and sales use tax exemption studies.  We help building owners and manufacturing companies gain a competitive advantage through better energy efficiency and systems optimization.

Whether you need assistance in the optimization of an in-house automated system, or are looking for a full-scale recommissioning study, SES, Inc. is ready to help you quickly hone in on and resolve any outstanding overflow issues within your facility.

We are proud to be members of the Manufacturers Alliance

Mag Winner

Commercial Buildings and Office Spaces

SES, Inc. works with commercial building owners to help accelerate their uptake of energy efficiency technologies and techniques in both existing and new commercial buildings. Through the development and deployment of cost-effective, energy saving solutions, we’ll work with owners and managers to cut needless costs.

We’ve helped commercial building owners identify and reduce energy consumption in their buildings to the tune of 6-90% with quick payback periods of just under 3 months.

To learn more about SES, Inc. and its capabilities, please feel free to fill out our quick contact form.

IREM Industry Partners

We serve owners and property managers as an industry partner of IREM.

Residential Buildings & Apartment Complexes

Slashing costs for better savings isn’t something that only commercial and industrial buildings have to think about. Multi-family complexes and apartment buildings need to be periodically recommissioned and analyzed from time-to-time to ensure that their energy consumption is kept at optimum levels.

Potential savings from reduced electric and natural-gas usage, can come as a result from retrofits like more efficient lighting, air- and water-heating systems, and better monitoring and management of internal building systems. And, much like commercial and industrial spaces, residential complexes can see utilities costs drop by as much as 50%.

Most importantly of all, we’ll take a big picture look at your building so that you see greater savings over time without sacrificing the comfort of your tenants.

To learn more about SES, Inc. and its capabilities, please feel free to fill out our quick contact form.

Manufacturing Facilities & Industrial Buildings
Commercial Buildings and Office Spaces
IREM Industry Partners
Residential Buildings & Apartment Complexes

In today’s global economy, U.S. manufacturers are competing with companies around the world.  In order to compete on a global scale, U.S. companies need an edge.

SES, Inc. provides American manufacturers in the Minneapolis, MN area and beyond, with a portfolio of energy-saving and optimization capabilities, engineering studies, recommissioning studies, and sales use tax exemption studies.  We help building owners and manufacturing companies gain a competitive advantage through better energy efficiency and systems optimization.

Whether you need assistance in the optimization of an in-house automated system, or are looking for a full-scale recommissioning study, SES, Inc. is ready to help you quickly hone in on and resolve any outstanding overflow issues within your facility.

We are proud to be members of the Manufacturers Alliance

Mag Winner

SES, Inc. works with commercial building owners to help accelerate their uptake of energy efficiency technologies and techniques in both existing and new commercial buildings. Through the development and deployment of cost-effective, energy saving solutions, we’ll work with owners and managers to cut needless costs.

We’ve helped commercial building owners identify and reduce energy consumption in their buildings to the tune of 6-90% with quick payback periods of just under 3 months.

To learn more about SES, Inc. and its capabilities, please feel free to fill out our quick contact form.

We serve owners and property managers as an industry partner of IREM.

Slashing costs for better savings isn’t something that only commercial and industrial buildings have to think about. Multi-family complexes and apartment buildings need to be periodically recommissioned and analyzed from time-to-time to ensure that their energy consumption is kept at optimum levels.

Potential savings from reduced electric and natural-gas usage, can come as a result from retrofits like more efficient lighting, air- and water-heating systems, and better monitoring and management of internal building systems. And, much like commercial and industrial spaces, residential complexes can see utilities costs drop by as much as 50%.

Most importantly of all, we’ll take a big picture look at your building so that you see greater savings over time without sacrificing the comfort of your tenants.

To learn more about SES, Inc. and its capabilities, please feel free to fill out our quick contact form.

Our core values define who we are, and set us apart from the crowd.


S – Successful:

Success is a handing a client an energy-saving, high ROI project on time and on budget.

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”
~Henry Ford~
E – Excellence:

We always bring our best.

We treat our clients, vendors, and team members with excellence and respect.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then,  is not an act, but a habit.”
~Will Durant~

S – Simple:

Simple terms.  Simple proposals. Simple invoices. Less paperwork.

It’s simple.

“In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity.”
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow~

I – Integrity:

Integrity means if we messed up, we level with you. If we owe you, we pay.

“One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised.”
~Chinua Achebe~
N – Noble:

We will lead with irrational generosity through our L.I.F.E. (Labor, Influence, Finances, Expertise)

“True generosity is an offering; given freely and out of pure love. No strings attached. No expectations. Time and love are the most valuable possession you can share.”
~Suze Orman~

C – Consistent:

We consistently deliver value and exceed our clients’ expectations.

“Trust is built with consistency”.
~Lincoln Chafee~



Kgs of CO2 Saved

A Cleaner Planet in 15 years of business!


Electricity Saved



Natural Gas Saved



$ Saved

Increasing All the Time!


Funds ($) Obtained



$ Rebated

Utility Rebates