SES Design, a division of SES, can help, whether you are replacing rooftops or upgrading to that new condensing boiler. We design the most efficient and feasible HVAC systems possible using the best available equipment on the market today. We realize first cost is important, but in this market, life-cycle cost is often even more critical. We recognize the need to keep a keen eye on both.
SES Design is always ready for new challenges that will fuel creative, energy efficient, sustainable solutions for your manufacturing or commercial facility.
Como Zoo & Conservatory has ideal geological conditions for a geothermal heating and cooling HVAC system. We, along with Darcy solutions, performed an Xcel Energy feasibility study to determine how well Como Zoo would benefit from a geothermal heating and cooling system.
Simple paybacks periods ranged from 3-9 years.
In addition, Como Zoo’s Hoof Stock Barn had a failed steam boiler in need of replacement. Designing both a geothermal heating system, and a traditional high efficiency, condensing boiler hot water system provided Como Zoo with the flexibility in the final design.
Ultimately, the barn was selected to be “geothermal ready,” but equipped with a high efficiency condensing boiler to save on energy bills.
Choose both the most efficient and cost effective design for a dual loop heating system for the client:
A) 100% of load served by condensing boiler: Mothball 3 non-condensing boilers and install three 5,000 MBH condensing boilers
B) 40% of load served by condensing boiler, 60% non-condensing: Add two boilers, one condensing for the heat pump hot water loop and one non-condensing for the radiation hot water loop
C) 100% of load served by non-condensing boiler: replace non-condensing boiler with right-sized boiler and modulating burner, re-use existing flue
Answer: B
SES provided the design to upgrade a central heating system serving 4 buildings comprising of 300+ heat pumps, radiation, and fresh air units.
Uponor, Inc. is an international PEX plumbing manufacturing facility in Apple Valley. SES, Inc. integrated real-time technology to assist with Uponor’s energy strategies. SES, Inc. also performed engineering and compressed air studies to contribute to tremendous reductions in energy consumption. The Manufacturers Alliance published a case study of the efforts.
“My experience with SES, Inc. is always excellent. The knowledge, enthusiasm, cooperation, research, assistance, follow-up and professionalism are exceptional and are very helpful and beneficial to me in my job and to our company. The ROI on any dollars spent with SES, Inc. is always excellent and money well spent.” ~Dan Hughes, Director Real Estate, Security and EHS~
SES, Inc. performed an engineering study to optimize the exhaust of the Mayo Clinic Square garage. The optimization saved over 218,000 kWh of energy and $17,000 compared to last year.
SES, Inc. designed an air-source heat pump system to replace an aging and oversized direct expansion (DX) condensing unit cooling system. The system is energy efficient in the cooling months, but also shaves the fossil fuel consumption while heating in the shoulder months.
One more step in the electrification and decarbonization climate goals.
We performed an engineering study for Mills Fleet Farm. The engineering study provided data needed to move ahead on sustainability programs that will better meet occupant comfort.
Engineering Study provides retail facility with solid data for Sustainable Energy Saving Programs.
- Material Handling
- Scale-up Manufacturing
- Process Optimization
- Sales and Use Tax Exemption Studies
- Throughput improvement
- Process equipment safety solutions
SES Design, our custom design division, has the depth of experience to understand your need and design a solution.
SES is always ready for new challenges that will fuel creative, energy efficient, sustainable solutions for your manufacturing or commercial facility.
Silk Road Medical, Inc. is an engineering and manufacturer of medical device equipment in Plymouth, MN. SES, Inc. conducted a Recommissioning Study and Building Energy Assessment to identify energy saving opportunities, funded in part by CenterPoint Energy and Xcel Energy. Significant annual savings were identified as part of the efforts.
Savings identified: 51% of annual electric usage and 66% of annual gas usage, with 0.4 year (~5 months) payback period.
Uponor, Inc. is an international PEX plumbing manufacturing facility in Apple Valley. SES, Inc. integrated real-time technology to assist with Uponor’s energy strategies. SES, Inc. also performed engineering and compressed air studies to contribute to tremendous reductions in energy consumption. Manufacturers Alliance published a case study of the efforts.
“My experience with SES is always excellent. The knowledge, enthusiasm, cooperation, research, assistance, follow-up and professionalism are exceptional and are very helpful and beneficial to me in my job and to our company. The ROI on any dollars spent with SES is always excellent and money well spent.” ~Dan Hughes, Director Real Estate, Security and EHS~
Faribault, Foods, Inc. product lines includes canned vegetables, sauced beans, refried beans, baked beans, kids’ and family style pasta, soup, chili, and organic and Mexican specialties. Two Xcel Energy heat recovery studies were performed and a lighting plan was designed for the two facilities: Faribault and Cokato, MN.
~(SES, Inc.) helps find energy savings for companies that are practical and easy to implement. (SES, Inc.) works well with all levels of the organization to find savings opportunities and helps to implement them. ~Dave Tieman, Vice President Manufacturing, Faribault Foods~
SES, Inc. partnered with Solar Oven Society to develop jigs that would help scale up the manufacturing of solar ovens for developing nations. No wood necessary, these 2 cooker systems help reduce deforestation and improve the well-being of those in sun-rich regions of the world.
Kgs of CO2 Saved
A Cleaner Planet in 15 years of business!
Electricity Saved
Natural Gas Saved
$ Saved
Increasing All the Time!
Funds ($) Obtained
$ Rebated
Utility Rebates